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Send UMD Society of Physics Students to PhysCon 2016

Raised toward our $5,500 Goal
53 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 16, at 11:25 AM EST
Project Owners

We've reached our first milestone!

October 28, 2016

Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far! Last night we reached our first milestone of $1000 raised!

Our team members are busy preparing for PhysCon by getting our posters ready, and refining our presentation skills. Everyone is so excited to present research in a large professional setting like this.

We still have a way to go on our campaign, but we are all working hard to reach our goal. You can help by sharing our campaign link via social media and/or email, we would really appreciate any assistance in getting the word out, and a quick share doesn't cost a thing.

Thank you again, and stay tuned for more updates!

Choose a giving level


Quantum Contributor

Thank you for your contribution! Your donation will enable one of our students to attend the Conference Banquets where they will hear from renowned physicists, including Dr. S. James Gates of The University of Maryland!


Einstein Endorser

Thank you for your contribution! Your donation will provide a hotel room for one night for one of our students during the Congress!


Atomic Ally

Thank you for your contribution! Your donation we will cover printing costs for 2 of our students to present research posters at the Congress!


Feynman Funder

Thank you for your contribution! Your donation will provide a hotel room for one of our students for the 4-night stay during the conference!


Beta Benefactor

Thank you for your contribution! Your donation will provide round trip airfare from College Park to San Fransisco for one student to attend PhysCon!


Alpha Altruist

Thank you for your generous contribution! Your donation will cover all associated costs ($400 towards airfare, $200 towards hotel, and $200 towards conference registration and meals) to fully sponsor one student to attend PhysCon.


Sigma Pi Sigma Superhero

Thank you for your extremely generous contribution! You've gone above and beyond towards helping us reach our goal by donating enough money to sponsor multiple people.

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