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Investigating Political Polarization in the United States

Raised toward our $4,000 Goal
94 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on May 08, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

Making Progress!

April 15, 2015

Thank you so much to those individuals who have donated and supported our research! Each of your generous contributions has brought us closer to studying and understanding political polarization in the United States.  With the money we have already raised, we can now purchase the netbook we need for maintaining our data, the SPSS software for data analysis, and fund our focus groups.  Soon, we hope to have sufficient funds to cover the remaining costs of survey administration.  Each of these components is critical to our research and without your support, we would not be able to undertake a project of this magnitude.

We would like to update all of you on what our team has been working on recently.  As the spring semester comes to a close, we are polishing our survey and preparing for the summer.  This summer, we plan to pilot test our survey to further refine our questions and format.  The pilot testing will prepare us for the fall, when we will "launch" our survey and begin the original data collection.  Stay tuned for more!

Choose a giving level


Attorney General

This gift will go towards administration costs necessary to conducting a survey-based research project.


Secretary of Defense

This gift will enable us to advertise for and recruit survey participants in order to attain a sufficiently large sample size.


Secretary of the Treasury

This gift will contribute to incentivizing respondent participation to our survey in order to gather statistically significant data.


Secretary of State

This gift will go towards defraying conference attendance costs, so we can present our findings at conferences in fields relevant to our research. Donors at this level will receive handwritten thank-you notes from the team.


President pro tempore

This gift will cover the expenses of a focus group in order to refine and enhance the quality of our survey. Donors at this level will be sent a periodical newsletter with updates on our progress.


Speaker of the House

This gift will go towards the purchase of SPSS Statistics Software, which will allow us to conduct statistical analysis in our attempt to answer our research questions. Donors at this level will be recognized on our website.


Vice President

This gift will go towards the purchase of a netbook to be used for data storage and data analysis. Donors at this level will be recognized in future presentations and will also receive a personal invitation to our thesis conference in 2017.



This gift represents one-fourth of our fundraising goal! Donors at this level will receive a hard copy of our final thesis, in addition to all perks offered at lower levels.

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