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Studying the Science of Protesting

Raised toward our $7,400 Goal
33 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 13, at 11:55 PM EDT
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UMD Protest Project Makes Headlines

January 23, 2018

Almost a year ago, you supported the efforts of our Protest Project Research Team by donating funds to purchase tablets (and cases) that expanded the team's ability to collect data at mass protests. The impact has been incredible. Upgrading from paper and clipboards to tablets has allowed our team to collect and process data in almost real-time, ultimately providing a better pulse on the movements that are shaping our country.  


This morning, the project’s lead researcher, Dana R. Fisher, was featured on MSNBC's Morning Joe (and she mentioned the tablets!).  Please follow the link below to view the segment:  


For more articles on the team's research see below: NPR's "The Takeaway":


The Wall Street Journal: To renew your support to the


Protest Project Research Team's effort please visit


Choose a giving level


Research Sponsor

Help us continue this effort to study the current wave of political and social activism.


Research Tablet

Your contribution will cover the cost of one tablet and protective case allowing for an increase in data collection and decrease analysis times.


2 Research Tablets

Your contribution will cover the cost of two tablets with protective cases allowing for an increase in data collection and decrease analysis times.


4 Research Tablets

Your contribution will cover the cost of four tablets with protective cases allowing for an increase in data collection and decrease analysis times.


12 Research Tablets

Your contribution will cover the cost of 12 tablets with protective cases. Giving the full research team tablet access allowing for an increase in data collection and decrease analysis times.


Student Researcher

Your contribution would cover the cost to hire a student researcher to assist with the consolidation and analysis of the collected data.

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